The project, called Hypar, was designed and realized by Team IGNITE, and was exhibited at light festival GLOW 2019. The location of the construction during the route of GLOW 2019 was on the Markt, a square in the centre of Eindhoven.
An important aspect of the project is the modularity of the design. Hypar is made up of 10 parabolic arches. The entire structure is made up of 160 identical cubes (16 in each arch). These cubes are made up of aluminium profiles, The dimensions of the cube is 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m.
These arches are repeating in the longitudinal direction but shifted to each other. The middle four arches are connected to the foundation, and the rest of the arches cantilever out.
The cubes are prefabricated in half arcs before being attached to each other on location. This has advantages from both a structural and lighting point of view. The calculations were made by students of the TU/e, a sub-team of the Ignite student team. SIDstudio has supervised the students and checked the structural documents.